Note: All Egyptian artwork in color done with color pencils. -ed.
"Nefertiti: Jewel of the Nile" - Many prominent Egyptologists have suggested that there have been seven different Nefertitis.
Is this one the wife of Akhenaten? (Found by German archaeologist in 1912.)

Blog host's take on one of the myriad battle campaigns of Ramses II: a montage from several archaeological sources.
Note: The central sun symbol and extending rays is an interpretation from Akhenaten, the "Heretic Pharoah." - ed. 
Blog host's take on Egyptian wall relief of the scribe Menna.
Note: There are several alterations from the original tomb painting. -ed. 
(Original positive India ink line drawing.)
"Flash of Knowledge" - Artist's rendition of the Great Sphinx. This
negative reversal was fashioned from the above original positive image, to simulate the night sky. "The Sphinx night and day": a visual allusion to Cole Porter's 1932 song?
"Sphinx Row" - Artist's interpretation in India ink; original statues, Luxor Egypt. Originally in ancient times, this particular Sphinx row spanned six miles - from Luxor to Karnac. - ed.